This is a strange story, quite hidden in the site but with its importance. Let's go to the point: some time ago I tried to write some short stories. Very particular ones. The inspiration came from some books released in Italy from publisher "AMZ" a long time ago, in the year 1976. Those books contained novelizations (in a too personal way, I would say) of all the episodes of the first season of "Space: 1999". They were very cool books, hard covered and with lots of images from the narrated episodes. I thought that for "U.F.O." (which had been created from the same producer, Gerry Anderson) nothing similar existed. So I decided to create it myself. A big task, because I wrote all the 26 episode synopsis and then make up all the pages with images from the show. But, in the end, it was an useless work. In fact I was completely unable to find a publisher for it. The answer was always the same: too little target (we are talking about Italy), too high cost for publishing and to obtain rights. Let's talk about rights: I never had clear answers about them. Often i did not have answers at all, and when answered was told I had to find a publisher, and a very important one. Which meant I was not even allowed to publish my work in some way with my money. No use also when I wrote to english, american or japanese publishers: in addiction there was the problem of translating all the text, no one was interested in spending the money. The most generous offer I received was from an italian site which offered to publish it obviously free. Realizing it is absolutely impossible to merchandise my work (I am not hypocrit: I don't believe in pure passion...) I present it here, at last it is my own site. Of course there isn't any intention of copyright infringiment: and if anyone wants to clear anything about that, he will be welcome. FOREWORD I absolutely could not translate all this in English. If I could, maybe some problems would have been solved. But my english is not so good to fit a pleasant story to be read. Here you will only see what I have created, and if someone knows a little of italian can also enjoy it. I still hope to find someone interested in publishing it: internet arrives everywhere... |